Instructions for authors

To submit an article, please follow the instructions for authors

All papers are peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be published continuously in the journal (as soon as accepted) and will be listed together on the journal website (March 1 - June 30 for No. 1 and September 1 - December 31 for No. 2 each year). The review period is about 2 weeks.
The articles with a similarity index of more than 10% will be rejected from publication. English proofreading is mandatory. The responsibility for English proofreading lies with the author.


Manuscripts for the Romanian Journal of Economics:

The length of the manuscripts should not be less than 10 pages. The manuscript should be original, not previously published, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The editors do not accept responsibility for damage or loss of papers submitted. 

To publish in the Romanian Journal of Economics, please use the following TEMPLATES: .doc, .docx

The works are published in English and French.


This journal does not charge any fee for the evaluation and publication of the articles.

© The Institute of National Economy - Romanian Academy. All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in articles are solely those of the author(s).





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